
Praying for Newtown

You know the phrase, "All we can do is pray".  Everyone knows this phrase; chances are you've said this before.  Well, one night my mom said something very amazing about this phrase.  She was talking about something upsetting, and said "You know, the other night I thought to myself, 'well I've done everything I can- so now ALL I can do is pray!' and then I thought 'what am I saying? The BEST thing I can do is pray.  It's not a last resort... it's the best option!'"  That was so powerful to me.  Shame on me, but I had never thought of it that way.  Now, I think of that statement all the time.

So, let's pray. And let's remember. 



4 Wonderful Months

A certain chubby babe turned four months old on December 1st. (I'm completely aware that we forgot to do our 3 Month post. Whoops! In case you were wondering... he turned 3 Months a month ago.)

He has grown so much in these four short months.  Physically, he is so big! He was a big newborn.. but still so tiny lying in our long arms.  Now, you will catch us grunting when we pick him up.  He's our little Chunk Monster (if you live in the Mobile/Baldwin County area.. you totally have to say it like 93 BLX's Tha Crunk Monstaaa) and we love it!

He loves tummy time.. and tries his little heart out to move those chubby legs into a crawl.  He sits up in his highchair and jumps in his jumperoo! Okay, so I understand 'jumps in jumperoo' is not 'break dancing and cartwheels' ... but it's pretty much the same thing in this household.  Every single milestone is ridiculously exciting to Johnny and me! We basically have 'BRAND NEW PARENT' tattooed on our foreheads.

Mentally, he's the smartest baby on the planet...of course.  AGAIN, I have to tell you ...this kid smiles at EVERYTHING. Unless he just realized he was starving 20 minutes ago (which is no freaking joke), he is all smiles.  It's the best smile in the whole world.  This past month, he's also started laughing A LOT.  It's the best laugh in the whole world.  He absorbs absolutely everything... you can literally see the learning process go on in his little head.  He is completely mesmerized by Hank.  He loves Domino too.. but Domino is more of a moving stuffed animal.  He likes to touch Domino, and occasionally try to relieve his teething gums on him. Hank is another story.  He's just so huge...and that killer tail whipping around is the funniest thing ever to little John Frederick.  He just stares at Hank with random burst of laughter.

He grabs his bottle, and is so close to holding it on his own.  He's learned that when his paci falls out he can lean forward, bring his arm towards his mouth, and pop it back in!  Again: BRAND NEW PARENT

So here's what I'm basically saying: Baby John is the smartest, strongest, and cutest little 4 month old chunk monsta with the best smile and laugh in the whole wide world.