
Harry Potter Grown Up?

Does this BLOW your mind?!



I feel old.

Happy Friday!


Thanks Kesha!
Have a Fabulous weekend!


Hair Bling


Hair Jewelry. Like it? Would you wear it? I honestly can't decide... I don't think I could wear it, but it doesn't look so bad on ol' Kim K. Kind of like, Egyptian Bling? The question is: WHERE would you wear this? It's easy for celebrities to do & wear crazy things, because they always have crazy-awesome-fabulous things to GO to. So let's think of my day-to-day: Could I wear it to the gym? nope. Grocery store? umm... Mall? maybe. Girl's wine night? sure, that'd be fun.

Simply can't decide what I think.


Dear Santa...

Louis Vuitton, Giuseppe Zanotti, Marc Jacobs, Christian Dior, Chanel .....ahh, Santa PAH-LEASE!!

Serious Love.
(All photos from http://www.elle.com/)


Let's Try This Again...

So.... I started blogging about a year ago and LOVED it... but somehow stopped doing it. Probably had to do with moving to Tennessee then Mississippi... and having my life all over the place. I DO love blogging though- and am, yet again, going to try to be consistent with it! Fingers crossed :)
- Leah