
John Frederick - 2 Months

Little man is two months old today.  He has grown so much in two months! His eyes have started to follow everything. He follows our eyes, bright colors, and anything that suddenly moves.  A couple weeks ago I noticed that his smiles were most definitely not gas...they were on purpose.  Then all of a sudden, you can't get him to quit smiling! Not that you would ever want to... it's the greatest smile you'll ever see.  He's such a happy baby.  When I was pregnant and praying for his health and safety...I always added 'happy'.  "Lord please watch over our baby.  Keep him safe and let him be healthy... and please let him be a happy baby.  A very happy baby."  I've learned that as a parent you're constantly scared that you're screwing up..and hell, sometimes you are screwing up.  John Frederick pee'd in his own tiny little face a handful of times before I developed my awesome catlike reflexes.  His OWN face.  You wouldn't think that tiny wee wee could pee pee so far... but holy cow, it can! My brand new baby peeing in his own face mixed with my batshit crazy hormones led me to cry almost every time he did it.  This shameful parent moment goes in my "you screwed up" folder.
...but you know what? Yeah yeah... he pee'd in his own face..whatever.  He's happy.  He's a happy baby! That's what is most important to me.  He will receive as much love as John and I can give... and as long as he has that, and plenty of laughter - he'll be alright in this world.  Even if he does pee in his face. (but I'm still going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen too often. It freaks me out a little)

Also, just a heads up, when you see his "3 Month" and "4 Month" pictures... don't be surprised if you find yourself looking at a big chubby dough ball.  The past couple weeks he has developed a rather large appetite. Just like a fat kid, he gets very angry and mouthy if you take his food away.  John and I are just waiting for him to blow up like a tiny michelin tire man.

Look at that pretty face and pot belly!
I just love love love this guy.

 Also new this month:
  • He has started 'talking' to us. I just love our conversations! I can't wait until he starts saying real words.. I constantly imagine what his little voice is going to sound like. 
  • His diapers have gone from little newborn baby poo to full on explosions.  Pretty gross and mighty dangerous at 3 o'clock in the morning.
  • We still aren't sleeping through the night... but damnit we are TRYING! We definitely get an A++ for effort.  Fingers crossed that we're getting closer.
  • He has good taste in music.  

Happy 2 months sweet pea

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