...but you know what? Yeah yeah... he pee'd in his own face..whatever. He's happy. He's a happy baby! That's what is most important to me. He will receive as much love as John and I can give... and as long as he has that, and plenty of laughter - he'll be alright in this world. Even if he does pee in his face. (but I'm still going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen too often. It freaks me out a little)
Also, just a heads up, when you see his "3 Month" and "4 Month" pictures... don't be surprised if you find yourself looking at a big chubby dough ball. The past couple weeks he has developed a rather large appetite. Just like a fat kid, he gets very angry and mouthy if you take his food away. John and I are just waiting for him to blow up like a tiny michelin tire man.
Look at that pretty face and pot belly!
I just love love love this guy.
Also new this month:
- He has started 'talking' to us. I just love our conversations! I can't wait until he starts saying real words.. I constantly imagine what his little voice is going to sound like.
- His diapers have gone from little newborn baby poo to full on explosions. Pretty gross and mighty dangerous at 3 o'clock in the morning.
- We still aren't sleeping through the night... but damnit we are TRYING! We definitely get an A++ for effort. Fingers crossed that we're getting closer.
- He has good taste in music.
Happy 2 months sweet pea
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